Monday, 14 October 2013


To prepare for our preliminary task, we created a storyboard which showed what would happen in each scene.  Our story is about a student who wants to cheat on her exam, therefore she is looking through her friend who is revising  as these two students had planned to meet up for the cheater to get the answers. However, the person revising refuses to give her the answers which results in the two of them having an argument. After the confrontation, the cheater leaves in a bad mood without the answers.

Scene 1: Arc.  Cheater waiting impatiently for the reviser to show up ( worms eye view of the main character then a birds eye view of this characters phone - expecting a call)
Scene 2: Canteen. The cheater runs from the arc to the canteen in a panic, unaware that the reviser is in the Study Hall. Change over to the reviser to let the audience know that there is another character and understand what the cheater is searching for.
Scene 3: Canteen. Cheater looks to see if reviser is there, see's she is not and continues to run through corridor.
Scene 4: Study Hall. Finds reviser and enters pod she's in.
Scene 5: Pod.  The two characters get into an argument, the cheater in a temper asks for the answers that the reviser is refusing to give.
Scene 6: Bikes. Cheater is very exasperated, therefore runs to her bike to leave.

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